Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Get Going

I still can't quite believe it.

It started with the rain and then the sirens came from the television. It poured outside.
I remember sitting in my front room after school, watching, sitting on the sofa beneath the framed New Yorker drawing, engulfed by it all, fascinated, disturbed but not disgusted, no, that came later. That is how I feel now, these people are not misunderstood, they do not offer something different and that is why we hate them, no, they kill, they maim, they cause misery and spread terror, that is all. They are not us because we live by ourselves, ultimately their selfenforced pig sty lifestyle means nothing to us, in much the same way as the guilt ridden Catholics or the circumsised Jews have little relevance, yet they and the others are held captive by that most pointless of old age human characteristics, the desperate need to convert, to thrust their hairy selves once more onto the fields of the crusade. Oh how they live to be pitied as much as to be loathed! The cretins can think what they will, their yearning to have others think the same is ridiculous, that is unquestionable. What is it that makes them this way, how empty and worthless they must really feel about their daily routine, to try and make others swirl in the same shallow pool? Whatever it is, that is what made them do it. That is why close to 3,000 people died that day, that is why the world is in a permanent state of fear and why people are so angry. Muslims who live peacefully and exist by our way should look no further than the despicable coward who was killed close to a month ago for the (slight) prejudices they suffer. God believers to should blame the militant new age bible bashers for the "aggressive secularism"as a lap dog to the Pope said when describing Britain's attitude towards the world's biggest peadophile ring, sorry, Catholicism.

Ultimately this is what will cause their end, because you can't repress people and trying to brow beat them into believing in the same shit you do will always fail with someone with the slightest degree of independent thinking, history proves it as does the short history of the 21st century. Bin Laden's attempts to bring down the West and everything it believes in (Democracy, freedom of speech, multicultrialism etc) did not result in the implosion of the status quo and introduction of Sharia Law, instead the invasion and destruction of his own allies and the justified vendetta against himself and his henchman, just like Adolf Hitler trying to convert Europe into his way of thinking eventually did for him.
On the flip side, Israel, who guard their borders fiecerely and allow the world to move around them will probably last forever. I have confidence that my nation, the United Kingdom, will also go on for a little while yet despite difficult times looming. I sometimes lament my compatriot's apparent attitude to life, it is easy to assume the opinion that modern day Brits live in a different world to that of of previous generations and yes, that would be correct, but I choose to think not every person of British birth after 1990 believes the government has a bottomeless pit of money and that they are in some way owed a living, that they explode into a fit of anger at the slightest request of concession. If they were, then I can only come to the conclusion that David Cameron's Premiership wouldn't have lasted even this long and that his extremely resonable and common sense policies on the economy and  immigration would have caused chaos. Though times will be hard, we will be ok. Maybe this generation will be a write off, I don't know, all I know is I don't want to be a fucking part of it, I feel little or no fellowship with the majority of my comrades, however that doesn't mean to say members of the 'Lost Generation' have the right to sit around moping and whining. Life is what you make it and people my age need to get a grip, take their thumbs out of their mouths and get their own. If they don't then I hope they happy with being statistic for the rest of their existence and I have hope that there will be enough like me who won't be happy with that, because as I began to point out before, people can't be repressed forever, not all people, just the ones who don't like it. If they could be then Bin Laden wouldn't have had anything to blow up in the first place.
That whole day is a blur to me with the exception of the event itself. Not unusual for a ten year old I suppose bored at school. In retrospect I am shocked at how little I understood, not about what it meant and the oppurtunities it opened up but even the event itself, even to the extent I had to have the word 'hijacked' explained to me. I knew about the World Trade Centre. I remember, years ago before the event, cereal companies running a promo where you would get cards about famous landmarks from across the world. Everything. From the pyramids of Giza to the Eiffel Tower, to Big Ben to the Sydney Opera House, they were there and needless to say so was the World Trade Centre, more important then the rest, the beacon of hope and the symbol of the victory achieved only a few years earler against Eastern Europe and their own brand of terror. Because of this I was fascinated by the events of that otherwise very ordinary day in early Autumn, seeing clip upon clip of this victorious symbol of freedom against political tyranny fall in less then two very short hours, felled by the fist of religious tyranny instead. I feel that it was at that point I began to feel conscious, though not all that bothered. People get attacked, killed in the street, so what? You can do it yourself on a playstation game for £20 or become immersed in 18 rated films and see if the sick basterds who made it are any sicker then the other sick basterds who made the prequal, it doesn't matter, my generation has already seen the worst act of violence ever captured on live television and who is anyone to judge the sick film makers when the BBC were showing burning corpses falling from the world's highest building on the six o'clock news?

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